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pass Tshoot 23/06/2010

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  • pass Tshoot 23/06/2010

    Hom nay minh da pass xong mon Tshot nay. Bai thi cua minh gom 3 cau ly thuyet va 12 cai ticket. moi cai tic la 3 cau nho. Truoc khi thi minh co tham khao trang nay:

    Chi tiet hon ban coi phan ben duoi cua 1 anh chang nuoc ngoai da post len va chia se kinh nghiem tren do.

    1) Client 1 is not able to ping the server

    Sitution 1: Unable to ping DSW1(Use L2 Diagram)
    Vlan Access map is applied on DSW1 blocking the ip address of client
    Ans1) DSW1
    Ans2) Scroll down and click on vlan access map
    Ans3)No vlan filter 10
    2) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation2: Unable to ping DSW1(Use L2 Diagram)
    On ASW1 fa1/0/1 and fa1/0/2 switchport access vlan 10 command is not there
    Ans2)Access vlan
    Ans3)give command: interface range fa1/0/1-/2 switchport access vlan 10

    3) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation3: Unable to ping DSW1 & in port channel configuratioin of ASW1 vlan 10 is not allowed. (Use L2 Diagram)
    Ans2)Switch to switch connectivity
    Ans3)on port channel 23 give switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,200
    4) Client 1 is not able to ping the server

    Situation4: Unable to ping DSW1(User layer 2),under running config the mac address for fa0/1 is 0000.0000.0000.0001 and fa0/2 it 0002.Also check show interfaces fa1/0/1 and fa1/0/2, u will c that the interface is in error disabled

    Ans2)Port security
    Ans3) On fa1/0/1 and fa1/0/2 do disable port security and do shut ,no shut.

    5) Client 1 is not able to ping the server

    Situation 5: Unable to ping R4 fast ethernet port from dsw1 and check ip eigrp neighbors from DSW1 u willnot c R4 as neighbor.(use ipv4 Layer 3)
    Ans1) R4
    Ans2) IP4 EIGRP
    Ans3) Change eigrp process no: from 1 tp 10 because DSW1

    6) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation 6: Unable to ping serial interface of R4 from the clients. Do show run, check the names of the route-maps. (use ipv4 Layer 3)
    Ans1) R4
    Ans2) route redistribution
    Ans3) change the name of the route-map under the router EIGRP or router OSPF process from ‘to’ to ‘->’.
    7) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation 7: client is unable to ping R1’s serial interface from the client. Check where authentication is not given under router ospf of one of the routers ( R1 or R2). (use ipv4 Layer 3)

    Ans1) R2 or R1
    Ans2) ipv4 OSPF
    Ans3) ip ospf authentication command must be given under router OSPF

    8) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation 8: client is not able to ping the web server, but the routers can ping the server. NAT problem. (use ipv4 Layer 3)

    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) IPV4 NAT
    Ans3) under NAT access list, enter the command permit

    9) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation 9: R1 is not able to ping check bgp neighborship. The neighbor’s address in the neighbor command is wrong under router BGP. (use ipv4 Layer 3)

    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) BGP
    Ans3) delete the wrong neighbor statement and enter the correct neighbor address in the neighbor command (change to

    10) Client 1 is not able to ping the server
    Situation 10: client is not able to ping the server. Except for R1, no one else can ping the server. BGP routes have not been redistributed into OSPF. (use ipv4 Layer 3)

    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) route redistribution
    Ans3) under router OSPF, enter the redistribute BGP 65001 command.

    11) IPV6 loopback of R2 cannot be pinged from DSW1’s loopback.
    Situation 11: ipv6 ospf was not enabled on R2’s serial interface connecting to R3. (use ipv6 Layer 3)

    Ans1) R2
    Ans2) IPV6 ospf
    Ans3) on the serial interface of R2, enter the command, ipv6 ospf 6 area 12 (or area 0, check the IPV6 topology.)

    12) HSRP: DSW1 does not become active.
    Situation 12: under the standby configuration of DSW1, the command standby 10 track 1 decrement 60 is given, this has to be changed to track 10. (use ipv4 Layer 3)

    Ans1) DSW1
    Ans2) HSRP
    Ans3) delete the command with track 1 and enter the command with track 10.

    Multiple choice:



    2)Drag and Drop(Get the answer from text)

    FACPS---------------------fault,config acco,perf sec
    ITIL-------------------------frame work for it prof
    Cisco Services-----------
    TMN----------------------tlecom managemnr

    3)Drag and Drop


    4)Question is unkown

    Ans) NTP prefferd

    5) Logging console warning
    The standard order is

    The answer can be :
    Logging buffered.
    6) Network Maintenance
    Ans) Structured and interrupt driven

    7) The interface is up and protocol is up. When do u get these messages.

    8)Serial line is up,protocol is also up?But cdp neighbor not working?

    Ans) Data link layer.
    9) FTP username password
    Ans ) HTTP client username password

    1. Accessports not in VLAN 10
    2. PortChannel not allowing VLAN 10
    3. Port Security
    1. HSRP – Track 10
    2. VLAN Filter
    1. EIGRP – Wrong AS #
    2. Redistribution (->)
    1. IPv6 : Enable OSPF
    2. OSPF Authentication
    1. Wrong IP of BGP Neighbor
    2. NAT : ACL
    3. Redistribution Accesslist

  • #2
    Luu y them la: coi ky 3 chuong dau cua sach Tshoot la noi ve ly thuyet trong phan thi tshoot. Co`n ticket la do kinh nghiem va tham khao cua moi nguoi. Chuc cac ban thi tot


    • #3
      Chúc mừng bạn, tin tức thật tốt cho bạn nào chuẩn bị thi TSHOOT.
      Từ nay quyết chí đi tu, ráng luyện công mong ngày thành chính quả. Nam mô a di đà phật. Thiện tai. Thiện tai.


      • #4
        Chia vui cùng bạn!
        TShoot là một phần rất khó,rất cần sự chia sẻ kinh nghiệm.


        • #5
          Chúc mừng anh! một tin tốt lành đến với những người đang học Tshoot! mong anh có thể thường xuyên vào topic này chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của mình !


          • #6
            Cảm ơn những thông tin chia sẻ của anh, chúc anh thành công cho chặn đường tiếp theo.
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