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LACP with STP Sim

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  • LACP with STP Sim

    Question (not sure about the requirement, I will try to update soon!)
    Answer and Explanation:

    Below is a good solution commented by toy_man123. Please say thank to him!
    Each of these vlans has one host each on its port
    SVI on vlan 1 – ip with snm
    Switch B –
    Ports 3, 4 connected to ports 3 and 4 on Switch A
    Port 15 connected to Port on Router.
    Tasks to do
    1. Use non proprietary mode of aggregation with Switch B being the initiator
    — Assumed use LACP with B being in Active mode
    2. Use non proprietary trunking and no negotiation
    — Assumed use switchport mode trunk and switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
    3. Restrict only to vlans needed
    — Assumed either vtp pruning or allowed vlan list. vtp pruning command did not seem to work on the simulator so landed using allowed vlan list
    4. SVI on vlan 1 with some ip and subnet given
    5. Configure switch A so that nodes other side of Router C are accessible
    — Assumed this to mean that on switch A default gatway has to be configured.
    6. Make switch B the root
    — Could not get this to work. Exam hung when I tried the command
    spanning-tree vlan 1,21-23 priority 4096
    So passed on this configuration. Anyone else got this correct
    What I tried ..
    on Switch A
    verify with show run if you need to create vlans 21-23
    int range fa0/9 – 10
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan 21
    spanning-tree portfast
    no shut

    int range fa0/13 – 14
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan 22
    spanning-tree portfast
    no shut

    int range fa0/16 – 16
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan 23
    spanning-tree portfast
    no shut

    int range fa0/3 – 4
    channel-protocol lacp
    channel group 1 mode passive
    no shut

    int port-channel 1
    switchport mode trunk
    switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
    spanning-tree allowed vlans 1,21-23
    no shut

    int vlan 1
    ip address x.y.z.11 255.a.b.c
    no shut

    On switch B run the command show cdp neighbors detail and get the ip address of port from router C.
    Now use this ip address of port of router C to configure as default gateway on Switch A
    SA(config)# ip default-gateway
    On switch B do only the channel group and port-channel stuff
    Only mode is active instead of passive.
    copy run start did not work. Tried combos of wr, copy running-config startup-config, copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config. All variations did not work.
    Got some errors on mismatch of native VLAN. Switch B had some ports on vlan 98 configured for native vlan. Tried setting native vlan on Port-channel 1 on switch B to 1. Configuration command took but errors still were occuring. Ran out of time I had allocated so gave up.
    If you learn anything new about this sim please share with us!
    Phạm Minh Tuấn

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  • #2
    Hình như có 2 bài lab LACP with STP phải ko các bạn ? Tuy cùng hình vẽ nhưng yêu cầu là khác nhau, vì mình thấy cách giải này khác cách giải của bạn VAIO

