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  • WirelessMon

    WirelessMon is a software tool that allows users to monitor the status of wireless WiFi adapter(s) and gather information about nearby wireless access points and hot spots in real time. WirelessMon can log the information it collects into a file, while also providing comprehensive graphing of signal level and real time IP and 802.11 WiFi statistics.

    * Verify 802.11 network configuration is correct.
    * Test WiFi hardware and device drivers are functioning correctly.
    * Check signal levels from your local WiFi network and nearby networks.
    * Help locate sources of interference to your network.
    * Scan for hot spots in your local area (wardriving)
    * Create signal strength maps of an area
    * GPS support for logging and mapping signal strength
    * Correctly locate your wireless antenna (especially important for directional antennas).
    * Verify the security settings for local access points.
    * Measure network speed & throughput and view available data rates.
    * Help check Wifi network coverage and range

    Phạm Minh Tuấn

    Email :
    Yahoo : phamminhtuan_vnpro
    Trung Tâm Tin Học VnPro
    149/1D Ung Văn Khiêm P25 Q.Bình thạnh TPHCM
    Tel : (08) 35124257 (5 lines)
    Fax: (08) 35124314

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