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Lỗi sai Time trên Cisco Phone

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  • Lỗi sai Time trên Cisco Phone

    Hi all,
    Khi minh triển khai gặp 1 lỗi như sau :
    Mấy cái IP Phone SCCP của mình nó hiện thị sai thời gian ( cụ thể là chậm 7 tiếng ) còn cái X-Lite thì đúng . Mình đã chỉnh cả trên Date/Time Group và Time trong OS Administrator vẫn không được.
    Có pro nào chỉ mình khắc phục lỗi này với

  • #2
    Couple things to be aware when working with Cisco IPTel;
    Cisco designs their system to be very scalable (support up to 32000 devices/cluster) and “Ease of Support”. However “Ease of Support” is sometimes misleading because it is not easy to support unless you understand the system completely, understand all protocols and how things work, experience is very important as well. So I should say “Ease of Support for scalable system”, Device pool is a small part of scalable design that we see below regarding display the correct time on devices:
    Regarding Time/Date, here is some quick steps to check;
    Create NTP server, set time as UTC
    Add NTP server in System / CCM administration (Co roi thi xoat di lam lai)
    Create Date/Time Group (choose correct NTP server just created, choose appropriate time zone)
    Assign Date/Time Group to device pool
    Phones have this Device Pool assigned
    Reset the phones (it may take up to 8 hours for time to change as this is the least important process in CUCM, so it does when it has resource)
    For immediate changes, restart CUCM.
    NOTE: Device's time and date is not related to System Time/Date that is set in OS admin
    Hope it helps

