chao tat ca cac ban!
toi dang co 1 van de chua giai quyet duoc, mong cac cao thu giup do.
co quan toi co vai chi nhanh chay cisco router 1841 bao gom card wic2t va shdsl.
wic2t chay frame-relay
shdsl chay megawan
Hien toi da cau hin QoS nhung chi co the apply vao int serial chu ko the vao car d ATM chay MegaWan
loi khi apply vao nhu sau: CBWFQ : Not supported on this interface
toi dang co 1 van de chua giai quyet duoc, mong cac cao thu giup do.
co quan toi co vai chi nhanh chay cisco router 1841 bao gom card wic2t va shdsl.
wic2t chay frame-relay
shdsl chay megawan
Hien toi da cau hin QoS nhung chi co the apply vao int serial chu ko the vao car d ATM chay MegaWan
loi khi apply vao nhu sau: CBWFQ : Not supported on this interface