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Lab: Configuring back-to-back Serial connections

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  • Lab: Configuring back-to-back Serial connections

    Lab Objective:

    The objective of this lab exercise is to configure back-to-back Serial interfaces between two Cisco routers. By default, router Serial interfaces receive their clocking information from an external device such as a CSU/DSU.

    Lab Purpose:

    Back-to-back Serial interface configuration is a fundamental skill. Because routers typically receive clocking from an external device such as a CSU/DSU, it is imperative to understand how to bring up a back-to-back Serial connection between two routers to set up your home lab, for example. As a Cisco engineer, as well as in the Cisco CCNA exam, you will be expected to know how to configure back-to-back Serial connections.

    Certification Level:

    This lab is suitable for both CCENT and CCNA certification exam preparation

    Lab Difficulty:

    This lab has a difficulty rating of 3/10

    Readiness Assessment:

    When you are ready for your certification exam, you should complete this lab in no more than 10 minutes

    Lab Topology:

    Please use the following topology to complete this lab exercise:

    Task 1:

    Configure the hostnames on routers R1 and R2 as illustrated in the topology.

    Task 2:

    Enable the Serial interfaces on R1 and R2. The Serial0/0 interface on R2 is identified as the DCE in the topology. Use the appropriate show command to verify that this interface is indeed the DCE.

    Task 3:

    Configure the DCE interface on R2 to providing clocking to R1. The clock speed should be 256Kbps. Remember that 1Kbps = 1000bps. Verify that R1 receives clocking information from R2.

    Task 4:

    Configure IP addressing on R1 and R2 Serial0/0 interfaces as illustrated in the topology.

    Task 5:

    Verify your interface status and ping between R1 and R2 to validate connectivity.

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