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traffic shaping and polyci

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  • traffic shaping and polyci

    các pro cho em hỏi:
    cách cấu hình traffic shaping có phần trăm băng thông.
    ví dụ như cho băng thông của tellnet=10%, http=20%, ftp=25%,...
    cấu hình với access-list.

    cám ơn các pro trước.:)

  • #2
    Minh khong co sh run, nen cmd se khong duoc chinh xac, ban dung thu nhe;
    VD nay dung Frame relay tren T1 access, CIR = 768, Bc =10% of CIR, Be = 0 (not allowed for voip)

    access-list extend SIGNAL
    permit ip any any eq 2427 2000 2748 5060

    class-map match-any VOIP
    match ip dscp ef

    class-match match-any SIGNAL
    match access-group SIGNAL

    class-map match-any DATA
    match protocol http telnet tftp ...

    policy-map VOIP_LLQ
    class VOIP
    priority 254 !(maxium 254 Kbps/768kbps cho VOIP)
    class SIGNAL
    bandwidth percent 5 !(minimum 5% of bandwidth guarranted)
    class DATA
    bandwidth percent 40 !(minimum 40%)
    class class-default ! (tat ca nhung gi khong xac dinh thi dung queue nay)

    class class-default
    shape average 729000 7290 0 !( shape at 95% of CIR, 7300 Bc =10max burst traffic, 0 is Be)
    service-policy VOIP_LLQ

    map-class frame-relay SHAPING !(dung trong FR)
    policy-map output CLASSBASED_SHAPING

    Interface s0/0/0
    no ip address
    encap frame-relay
    no shut

    Interface s0/0/0.1
    ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
    frame-relay interface-dlci 201
    class SHAPING
    no shut

    de kiem tra, dung cmd:
    #sh policy-map int
    #sh traffic-shaping
    Last edited by luanvancity; 11-06-2012, 10:41 PM.

