Here are some facts regarding this portion of the exam:
Here are some samples for the many, many different open-ended questions Cisco could ask for the R/S track. Please notice there is no need for panic if you are using one of our recommended study approaches.
Bridging and Switching
IP IGP Routing
IP and IOS Features
IP Multicast
Refe: [CCIE R&S LAB] Ngày 1-2-2009, thay đổi hình thức thi
- You must complete this portion of the exam before you start the traditional configuration portion.
- You have a total of 30 minutes to complete this section, you may finish early if you like.
- You will receive 4 to 5 questions via the computer and you must provide short answers using the computer interface. The questions are not oral in nature.
- You will not receive a score when you complete this section, but you must pass this portion to pass the CCIE. You will receive your score in the open-ended section if you fail the exam.
- Most students finish the 4 to 5 questions in approximately 12 minutes.
- The configuration portion of the exam has been reduced to accommodate this initial 30 minutes.
- You still have a total of 8 hours that makeup the open-ended questions and the configuration portion.
- You may not access the DOC-CD to answer these questions.
Here are some samples for the many, many different open-ended questions Cisco could ask for the R/S track. Please notice there is no need for panic if you are using one of our recommended study approaches.
Bridging and Switching
- What is the size of the 802.1Q tag?
- Examine the diagram shown, describe the flow of traffic in VLAN 12 from Switch A to Switch D.
IP IGP Routing
- What are the five possible metric components for EIGRP and which two are used by default?
- Given the network diagram shown, what is the path traffic will take from Router A to Router B?
- What issues can the use of a peer group solve in BGP?
- What are the default administrative distances for BGP?
IP and IOS Features
- How can a Cisco router assist a client PC to obtain a DHCP address from a DHCP server located on a remote subnet?
IP Multicast
- Which multicast PIM method uses a push and pull approach?
- Which option for RP assignment is an open standard?
- What happens to traffic in the priority queue of the LLQ method that exceeds the specified rate?
- Which bits of the ToS byte are used for DSCP markings?
- Between AF21 and AF31, which has the higher drop probability?
- Given the access list and assignment shown in the diagram, what happens to Telnet traffic?
Refe: [CCIE R&S LAB] Ngày 1-2-2009, thay đổi hình thức thi