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Chào bạn,
Null-ssid tức là chuỗi SSID trống, do client gửi lên để tìm SSID của các AP (đã bật broadcast SSID).
Đọc thêm.
The access point broadcasts the name of the wireless cell in the SSID through beacons. Beacons are broadcasts that access points send to announce the available services. It is used to logically separate WLANs. It must match exactly between the client and the access point. However, clients can be configured without an SSID (null-SSID), then detect all access points, and learn the SSID from the beacons of the access points. A common example of the discovery process is the one used by the integrated Windows Zero Configuration (WZC) utility when a wireless laptop is used at a new location. The user is shown a display of the newly found wireless service and asked to connect or supply appropriate keying material to join. SSID broadcasts can be disabled on the access point, but this approach does not work if the client needs to see the SSID in the beacon.Phạm Minh Tuấn
Email : phamminhtuan@vnpro.org
Yahoo : phamminhtuan_vnpro
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