VDMGROUP#sh run Building configuration... Current configuration : 5296 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname VDMGROUP ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! logging buffered 16000 debugging no logging console enable password cisco ! no aaa new-model ! resource policy ! ip subnet-zero ! --More--  ! ip cef ! ! ! ! ! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1681112369 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1681112369 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1681112369 ! ! crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1681112369 certificate self-signed 01 30820241 308201AA A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030 31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274 69666963 6174652D 31363831 31313233 3639301E 170D3038 30353138 31313235 30365A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649 4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D31 36383131 31323336 3930819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281 8100E203 EC19D0CB 95B7AEEA 5BD5F745 9238D84B AD20D63E 7F17D3AE 045BA982 --More--   501747B6 D267A851 9A4D21D6 015CE7AB 5B636AC5 56940DC3 2068230C 53BCDB0B FB17C0FC DFEEA1EE 65ED08B8 5B2B66AF 99FF4E99 4A925056 FE9DC48C 518E2A6A 68FE0942 D9DE2613 676A3D9C 1E6B723B D912C23F 16D8B1BD 5DD7971E 5E1DA9F3 829D0203 010001A3 69306730 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30140603 551D1104 0D300B82 0956444D 47524F55 502E301F 0603551D 23041830 16801464 4CD1CE9B 69F65F59 E90B9ADA 97B08576 22EE5A30 1D060355 1D0E0416 0414644C D1CE9B69 F65F59E9 0B9ADA97 B0857622 EE5A300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181 00DFF3C4 32050F2C ACB3A21F F66B8FA4 C4EA8666 08E4C659 CD640AAA D8961434 F5878CA6 0E5213FA 5E78D390 1EC61AEB 50DD1D56 85346668 55207D24 68034849 EFD92075 33C0F349 5067F838 6F55CBAA 705166E3 CC8AD3F4 ACFB4E8A CA014C16 5A7BCFF5 40BAD0D0 B97BC814 FBD2EBB7 6EDFDC6A 4E9E8BAF 56D95FF9 F981671A BD quit username cisco privilege 15 secret 5 $1$t2i2$VrcOD9RdXb.lKdRd8HN/G. ! ! ! ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0 description LAN no ip address duplex auto --More--   speed auto ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1 description Management-VLAN encapsulation dot1Q 1 native ip address no snmp trap link-status ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10 description Data-VLAN encapsulation dot1Q 10 ip address ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly no snmp trap link-status ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.20 description Server-VLAN encapsulation dot1Q 20 ip address ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly no snmp trap link-status --More--  ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.30 description Printer-VLAN encapsulation dot1Q 30 ip address no snmp trap link-status ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.50 description Voice-VLAN encapsulation dot1Q 50 ip address no snmp trap link-status ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 no ip address ip virtual-reassembly duplex auto speed auto pppoe enable pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1 ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 description Fibre connection to ISP --More--   no ip address shutdown negotiation auto pppoe enable pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1 ! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ip mtu 1492 ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly encapsulation ppp ip tcp adjust-mss 1452 dialer pool 1 dialer persistent dialer-group 1 ppp authentication chap pap ppp chap hostname HNFdl-080509-431 ppp chap password 0 fd00431 ppp pap sent-username HNFdl-080509-431 password 0 fd00431 ppp ipcp dns request ! ip classless --More--  ip route Dialer1 ! ip http server ip http authentication local ip http secure-server ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000 ip nat inside source list 101 interface Dialer1 overload ! access-list 1 permit access-list 101 permit ip any any dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit snmp-server community vdm2oo7! RO 1 ! ! control-plane ! ! banner login ^CC *************************************************************************** * * * --WARNING--WARNING--WARNING--WARNING--WARNING--WARNING-- * * * * YOU HAVE ACCESSED A RESTRICTED DEVICE. USE OF THIS DEVICE WITHOUT * --More--  * * * AUTHORIZATION OR FOR PURPOSES FOR WHICH AUTHORIZATION HAS NOT * * * * BEEN EXTENDED IS PROHIBITED. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY. * * * * --WARNING--WARNING--WARNING--WARNING--WARNING--WARNING-- * * * *************************************************************************** ^C ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 privilege level 15 logging synchronous login local line aux 0 line vty 0 4 privilege level 15 login local transport input all line vty 5 15 privilege level 15 login local --More--   transport input all ! scheduler allocate 20000 1000 ! end VDMGROUP#sh ip int brie Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol GigabitEthernet0/0 unassigned YES NVRAM up down GigabitEthernet0/0.1 YES NVRAM up down GigabitEthernet0/0.10 YES NVRAM up down GigabitEthernet0/0.20 YES NVRAM up down GigabitEthernet0/0.30 YES NVRAM up down GigabitEthernet0/0.50 YES NVRAM up down GigabitEthernet0/1 unassigned YES NVRAM up up GigabitEthernet0/0/0 unassigned YES manual administratively down down NVI0 unassigned YES unset up up Virtual-Access1 unassigned YES unset up up Virtual-Access2 unassigned YES unset down down --More--  Dialer1 unassigned YES manual up up VDMGROUP#sh int g0/1 GigabitEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is MV96340 Ethernet, address is 001f.ca86.4461 (bia 001f.ca86.4461) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, media type is T output flow-control is XON, input flow-control is XON ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:03, output 00:00:01, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 435 packets input, 42400 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 155 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 9030 packets output, 549766 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets --More--   0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out VDMGROUP#sh int dia  1 Dialer1 is up, line protocol is up (spoofing) Hardware is Unknown Internet address will be negotiated using IPCP MTU 1500 bytes, BW 56 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 21:34:46 Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/0/16 (active/max active/max total) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) Available Bandwidth 42 kilobits/sec 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes 0 packets output, 0 bytes VDMGROUP#sh pppoe e session 2 client sessions Uniq ID PPPoE RemMAC Port VT VA State SID LocMAC VA-st N/A 0 0000.0000.0000 Gi0/0/0 Di1 N/A N/A 0000.0000.0000 N/A 8634 001c.b13d.ac19 Gi0/1 Di1 N/A N/A 001f.ca86.4461 VDMGROUP#sh debug PPP: PPP authentication debugging is on PPP protocol negotiation debugging is on VDMGROUP#sh log Syslog logging: enabled (1 messages dropped, 2 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled) Console logging: disabled Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled, filtering disabled Buffer logging: level debugging, 14468 messages logged, xml disabled, filtering disabled Logging Exception size (4096 bytes) Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled Trap logging: level informational, 936 message lines logged --More--   Log Buffer (16000 bytes): 010405D4) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21A16C2 (0x0506F21A16C2) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 8 *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E0939B (0x050624E0939B) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21A16C2 (0x0506F21A16C2) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21A16C2 (0x0506F21A16C2) *May 22 05:39:58.870: Vi2 LCP: State is Open *May 22 05:39:58.874: Vi2 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both *May 22 05:39:58.874: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:39:58.874: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:39:58.874: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 1 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" --More--  *May 22 05:39:58.874: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:39:58.874: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up *May 22 05:39:59.182: Vi2 PAP: I AUTH-NAK id 1 len 26 msg is "Authentication failed" *May 22 05:39:59.182: Vi2 LCP: I TERMREQ [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:39:59.182: Vi2 LCP: O TERMACK [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:39:59.182: Vi2 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[CF] *May 22 05:39:59.182: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING *May 22 05:39:59.186: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1 *May 22 05:39:59.190: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down *May 22 05:40:21.458: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi2 bound to profile Di1 *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN, Setup *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 PPP: Using dialer call direction *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 PPP: Treating connection as a callout *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 PPP: Session handle[B900026B] Session id[0] *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 PPP: Authorization required *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:40:21.458: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E0EBD9 (0x050624E0EBD9) *May 22 05:40:21.462: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up --More--  *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 18 *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21A6F76 (0x0506F21A6F76) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 8 *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E0EBD9 (0x050624E0EBD9) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21A6F76 (0x0506F21A6F76) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21A6F76 (0x0506F21A6F76) *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 LCP: State is Open *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 1 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:40:21.462: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" --More--  *May 22 05:40:21.822: Vi2 PAP: I AUTH-NAK id 1 len 26 msg is "Authentication failed" *May 22 05:40:21.826: Vi2 LCP: I TERMREQ [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:40:21.826: Vi2 LCP: O TERMACK [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:40:21.826: Vi2 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[D0] *May 22 05:40:21.826: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING *May 22 05:40:21.826: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1 *May 22 05:40:21.830: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down *May 22 05:40:44.062: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi2 bound to profile Di1 *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN, Setup *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 PPP: Using dialer call direction *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 PPP: Treating connection as a callout *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 PPP: Session handle[EE00026E] Session id[0] *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 PPP: Authorization required *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E14426 (0x050624E14426) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 18 *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21AC7D8 (0x0506F21AC7D8) --More--  *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 8 *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E14426 (0x050624E14426) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:40:44.062: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21AC7D8 (0x0506F21AC7D8) *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21AC7D8 (0x0506F21AC7D8) *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 LCP: State is Open *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 1 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:40:44.066: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:40:44.066: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up *May 22 05:40:45.066: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up --More--  *May 22 05:40:54.050: Vi2 AUTH: Timeout 1 *May 22 05:40:54.050: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 2 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:40:54.050: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:40:54.050: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:40:54.050: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 2 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:40:56.138: Vi2 PAP: I AUTH-NAK id 2 len 26 msg is "Authentication failed" *May 22 05:40:56.142: Vi2 LCP: I TERMREQ [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:40:56.142: Vi2 LCP: O TERMACK [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:40:56.142: Vi2 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[D1] *May 22 05:40:56.142: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING *May 22 05:40:56.142: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1 *May 22 05:40:56.146: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down *May 22 05:40:56.146: Vi2 LCP: State is Closed *May 22 05:40:56.146: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN *May 22 05:40:57.142: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down *May 22 05:41:18.374: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi2 bound to profile Di1 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN, Setup *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Using dialer call direction *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Treating connection as a callout *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Session handle[88000272] Session id[0] --More--  *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Authorization required *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E1CA34 (0x050624E1CA34) *May 22 05:41:18.378: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 18 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21B4E74 (0x0506F21B4E74) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 8 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E1CA34 (0x050624E1CA34) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21B4E74 (0x0506F21B4E74) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) --More--  *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21B4E74 (0x0506F21B4E74) *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 LCP: State is Open *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:41:18.378: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:41:18.382: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 1 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:41:18.382: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:41:18.734: Vi2 PAP: I AUTH-NAK id 1 len 26 msg is "Authentication failed" *May 22 05:41:18.738: Vi2 LCP: I TERMREQ [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:41:18.738: Vi2 LCP: O TERMACK [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:41:18.738: Vi2 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[D2] *May 22 05:41:18.738: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING *May 22 05:41:18.738: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1 *May 22 05:41:18.742: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down *May 22 05:41:40.902: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi2 bound to profile Di1 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN, Setup *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Using dialer call direction *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Treating connection as a callout *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Session handle[72000275] Session id[0] *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Authorization required --More--  *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E22236 (0x050624E22236) *May 22 05:41:40.906: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 18 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21BA6BE (0x0506F21BA6BE) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 8 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E22236 (0x050624E22236) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21BA6BE (0x0506F21BA6BE) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21BA6BE (0x0506F21BA6BE) *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 LCP: State is Open --More--  *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:41:40.906: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:41:40.910: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 1 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:41:40.910: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:41:41.226: Vi2 PAP: I AUTH-NAK id 1 len 26 msg is "Authentication failed" *May 22 05:41:41.230: Vi2 LCP: I TERMREQ [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:41:41.230: Vi2 LCP: O TERMACK [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:41:41.230: Vi2 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[D3] *May 22 05:41:41.230: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING *May 22 05:41:41.230: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1 *May 22 05:41:41.234: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down *May 22 05:42:03.450: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi2 bound to profile Di1 *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 PPP: Phase is DOWN, Setup *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 PPP: Using dialer call direction *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 PPP: Treating connection as a callout *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 PPP: Session handle[CB000278] Session id[0] *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 PPP: Phase is ESTABLISHING, Active Open *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 PPP: Authorization required *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: O CONFREQ [Closed] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) --More--  *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E27A47 (0x050624E27A47) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [REQsent] id 1 len 18 *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1492 (0x010405D4) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21BFED2 (0x0506F21BFED2) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: O CONFNAK [REQsent] id 1 len 8 *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: I CONFACK [REQsent] id 1 len 15 *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto CHAP (0x0305C22305) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0x24E27A47 (0x050624E27A47) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: I CONFREQ [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:42:03.450: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21BFED2 (0x0506F21BFED2) *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 LCP: O CONFACK [ACKrcvd] id 2 len 18 *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 LCP: MRU 1500 (0x010405DC) *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 LCP: AuthProto PAP (0x0304C023) *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 LCP: MagicNumber 0xF21BFED2 (0x0506F21BFED2) *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 LCP: State is Open *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by both *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 PAP: Using hostname from interface PAP *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 PAP: Using password from interface PAP *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 PAP: O AUTH-REQ id 1 len 29 from "HNFdl-080509-431" --More--  *May 22 05:42:03.454: Vi2 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 37 from "HNFdl-080509-431" *May 22 05:42:03.454: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up *May 22 05:42:03.750: Vi2 PAP: I AUTH-NAK id 1 len 26 msg is "Authentication failed" *May 22 05:42:03.754: Vi2 LCP: I TERMREQ [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:42:03.754: Vi2 LCP: O TERMACK [Open] id 3 len 4 *May 22 05:42:03.754: Vi2 PPP: Sending Acct Event[Down] id[D4] *May 22 05:42:03.754: Vi2 PPP: Phase is TERMINATING *May 22 05:42:03.754: %DIALER-6-UNBIND: Interface Vi2 unbound from profile Di1 *May 22 05:42:03.758: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to down VDMGROUP#